Friday, April 21, 2017

Well...This is the End

Image result for this is the end... this is the end meme

Well... This is the end...

No it's not teacher friends because I will see most of you for Internship II! For those of you who are grad students or won't be doing Internship II in the Fall, I enjoyed our semester together and I wish you all the best and a fantastic summer! 

What did I learn about myself as a writer through these blog posts?

Image result for writing furiously gifI have learned that once you have a topic to write about, blog posting can be addicting! I wanted to write a blog, become "blog famous" like the movie Julie and Julia with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, and eventually become a famous writer who got her start as a lowly blogger... However, you have to have material in order to write. For instance, I love writing poetry but it is my firm belief that poetry is pointless unless you have inspiration. 

All in all, I've learned that students write with more purpose and focus when they have an idea/topic in mind. I felt that my blogs were creative and I had a lot of fun with the titles as well as the content. As a writer, I believe that I have a unique voice/style and writing creatively is a strong suit of mine. I was worried that my creativity was being snuffed out because I've had to write so many academic papers which require research and professional discourse over stylistic tone. 

What did I learn about the digital writing realm? 

Image result for blogger stereotypes
I learned that digital writing is an amazing skill that I believe my future students must master in order to survive in this progressive world. Technology is continuously advancing and I feel that students must be proficient in digital writing but it starts with basic writing skills. I think that a paired instruction (using digital writing and pencil-to-paper writing) would work best in this society/my future classroom. 

Furthermore, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of a digital writing community. I love to see comments on my blog and comment on others. I feel that the blog assignments have given me opportunities to know my classmates and their passions on a deeper level. 

What were my challenges and successes while blogging?

I felt that blogging was an awesome experience and I felt that I made my posts interesting an insightful to readers. I didn't have much trouble with understanding how to create and publish/share a blog because I have already played around with Blogger before. However, if I had never blogged before, I believe that would have been a huge challenge for me starting out.

The most challenging part of blog posting would be length (as you can probably see by now)... I always write too much because I have so much to say!

How would I integrate blogging into the classroom?

There are many ways I would integrate blogging into the classroom because I feel it is a relevant, creative, fun and collaborative outlet for students/teachers/people in general.  

1. For homework assignments- I feel it would be much easier to establish a writing community and simple assignments through a creative outlet like blogging. 

2. For projects- In order to incorporate the Florida Standards "publishing work" focus, blogging would be a great way to foster collaborative learning and hold students to a higher standard because their work will be public.

3. For personal reasons- I would love to create a more private blogging community of teachers who share stories to help other teachers learn from their mistakes, talk about funny (appropriate and, of course, anonymous) stories, and share authentic struggles and tips. 

4. For sharing my personal work- I would want to have a public blog account to show my work to students (as a model example) or even to show that we all have off days for creative writing. 

Image result for inspirational teaching quotes        Image result for inspirational teaching quotes

                              Related image

Friday, April 14, 2017

Book In Review; Teaching Arguments (By Jennifer Fletcher)

Here is an image of the book that I selected for my LAE 3432 Spring 2017 course at UCF:

Image result for teaching arguments by jennifer fletcher

This book offers great advice for secondary teachers (specifically for upper-class high school students) like me who want to push students farther than simply critiquing a literary work. Fletcher teaches argumentative writing through the use of rhetorical comprehension, critical inquiry and responsive reading (Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Kairos). One extremely important concept that Fletcher introduces is the idea that if students "struggle for a deeper understanding [involving] more than garden-variety confusion, chances are [they are] on the doorstep of a threshold concept" (Fletcher, p.XIII). This threshold concept is the basis for the rest of the book because it is the role of the educator to guide students through the threshold into a deeper and more enriched approach to literary criticism. 

Here is an overview (with images) of the chapters:

Image result for big ideasChapters 1-2

What's the BIG IDEA?
There are many ways to approach arguments. Fletcher introduces ethos, pathos and logs as approaches to making a case for argumentative writing. Argumentative writing is so much deeper and broader than a traditional approach. Fletcher talks about the threshold concept and the role of educators in these chapters. 

  • "A rhetorical approach to texts acknowledges that writing begins with reading" (Fletcher, p.1). This is the beginning of approaching arguments; students have to begin reading with a critical mind before they can truly write to imitate this internal dialogue. 
  • "We attempt to suspend all judgement and personal reactions as we work to understand a writer's meaning" (p.5). In order to have a strong, well structured argument, students must learn to be open-minded and lay down biases. In this way, students will learn how to logically approach an argument without sounding too opinionated (in this way, they will be able to persuade their audience in a clever way). 
  • "Stasis is the fixed point upon which an argument hinges" (p.15). This is the point where students identify the point of the disagreement. Once students recognize this, then they can  engage with their audience.
  • "Sometimes its our beliefs we have to suspend" (p.28). Fletcher introduces the "doubting game" which requires students to being to be a critic and start challenging the source of the literary work they are reading. 
  • Ethos, Pathos and Logos is a great rhetorical appeal that questions the credibility of the author, the emotional appeal and the proof/facts of the argument. 
Image result for ethos pathos logos

Chapters 3-4

Related imageIntroducing Kairos (chapter 3)! Fletcher defines Kairos as the "circumstantial kind of time, a window of opportunity during which something could happen" (p. 58). This concept is important to introduce to students because it deals with opportunity for characters within a story or a space where arguments are made and action is suspended. When students can identify this crucial moment in literature, then they are beginning to understand arguments and opportunity.
Fletcher believes that Kairos works well with the stasis theory because, in the moment of stasis an argument is born and in the moment of Kairos, the character decides their response. The result of the Karios/stasis moment is up to the student and how they choose to respond. 

Chapter 4 defends the importance of audience and gives examples for teachers to help students deal with audiences. According to Fletcher, students should anticipate the audience's values so that they can "play the believing game with other people's beliefs" (p.79). Students should have multiple opportunities to write for specific audiences (newspaper articles, peer-review, future boss, mock rejection letters) and by using the three appeals. In this way, students will grasp the cause-and-effect mindset of argumentative writing. 

Chapters 5-6

"When we earnestly enter an argument, we do so  with a specific purpose in mind" (p. 107). Fletcher advocates for a deliberate approach to writing, specifically argumentative writing. Students should have an idea of why they are writing and for what purpose so their writing has focus and precision. 

There are three types of rhetoric; forensic ("logical proofs" (p.114)), deliberative (group decision making, policy and "democratic participation" (p.111)) and epideictic (career readiness, "judgments of virtue and vice" (p.117)) rhetoric. 

Image result for logical argument        Image result for democratic decision     Image result for virtue and vice

Chapter 6 focuses on diving deeper into Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Fletcher states that "using all three appeals just means paying attention to your voice, your audience and your language" (p.178). In other words, students should learn to use meta-cognition and be aware of the devices they are using for what purpose and which audience they are writing to. 

Chapter 7

Image result for high school student engagement strategiesFinal thought; how do students view themselves? Fletcher wants students to acknowledge mistakes a simply a learning process. In order for students to establish a positive "self-efficacy.... [which] can be especially important for low-income and minority students" (p.184), can be fostered through preparation and encouragement. Lastly, through the year, students who operate within the threshold concept should develop their academic skills and identity. Once students are confident in who they are (academically) and how they preform (their skill-set), then they can establish well-structured and deeply analyzed arguments. 

One way to help students find their academic identity and skills would be to help them craft college readiness application letters. Furthermore, students should be given a choice about what they want to write about and how they want to approach the argument by the end of the year so they have the formats/tips memorized. 

                                                                         Work Cited

Fletcher, Jennifer. Teaching Arguments: Rhetorical Comprehension, Critique, and Response. 

       Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 2015. Print. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Anthology Submission; Man Versus Nature Poem "A Necessary Evil"

A "Necessary" Evil 

Who Knows 
What is "necessary"?  
When we tumble, 
Out of that Dark Place, 
Stark awake; 
Memory slips away 
As the shameful flow 
Of Prudence fills our minds 
With the Tools necessary 
To instinctively know 
How to help ourselves; 
For the depths of 
Unknowing happens 
Multiple times in our lives 
However, strange Birds 
That fly on the wings 
Of "Wisdom" 
Allows us to rise Again; 
To rise with Power and 
Despite the fact that 
We are haunted  
By what is a 
Necessary Evil. 

By: Ashley Wilkinson